I Sometimes Think about the Snarky Man Who Ran My High School Stage Crew (Patreon exclusive)

They aren’t good feelings

Alex Mell-Taylor


Photo by Kyle Head on Unsplash

The work of running a community is hard because, often, you aren’t paid for it. And if you are paid something, you certainly aren’t paid well. There are communal kitchens and clinics all over this country running on a shoestring budget and elbow grease, and I think that work is important.

However, that doesn’t mean that the people helping those efforts are not immune from criticism. There are mini tyrants governing small ponds everywhere, and that’s what I want to talk about today: a man doing good work who made me feel like shit.

In high school, I was in stage crew — i.e., a club for people doing the things behind the scenes for my school musical (e.g., lights, costumes, etc.). I was at the bottom of the hierarchy, doing random errands, and when no one gave me any instructions, I would sweep the floor.

One day, I got a task from the adult in charge of the crew club…

Want to read the rest of the article? This has been a Patreon-exclusive post. Become a Patron to read the rest of it!




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