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We Will Rise Again: The Song That Explains How Fascists View Media

Alex Mell-Taylor
An Injustice!
Published in
7 min read6 days ago


Image; Ubisoft

“Everytime there’s a fire in Hollywood I come back to this video…with everything happening around us and the government. Rothschild and Soros doing everything they can to break our traditional values, dignity and [the] formation of families.”

The hateful comment above was posted under the Ubisoft video for the song We Will Rise Again (voiced by Meredith Godreau), a satirical propaganda song from the videogame Far Cry 5 (2018). In Universe, it is sung by members of the Project at Eden’s Gate cult in fictional Hope County, Montana. The song has a Christian nationalist ethos about righteous followers rising from the death and destruction of the apocalypse, with lyrics such as:

“Oh Lord, the great collapse
Won’t be our end
When the world falls into the flames
We will rise again”

While many did see these terrifying lyrics for the satire they were intended to be, the reaction I noted above was sadly all too common. As another commenter remarked below that video: “It was supposed to be antiwhite music. It was supposed to mock White people, our culture. And then White people loved the music and lyrics. It’s hilarious. The antiwhites are so filled with hatred that they make a display of beauty…



Published in An Injustice!

A new intersectional publication, geared towards voices, values, and identities!

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